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Effective 09/17/2018


Enrollment in Continuing Education courses is available to anyone desiring the knowledge who is licensed in the State of Arkansas.  Enrollment can be completed by clicking the "Sign-Up Here" link and selecting the desired class.  Phone calls and text messages will not be considered a form of enrollment.  The appropriate registration form will be the only means to properly register for a class.


To meet certification requirements and to provide an environment for success in our programs of education, the following policies will be in effect:



  1. Continuing Education: a student will not receive credit if they do not have 100% participation.

  2. Pre-License – If a student must miss a class or any part thereof, the school should be informed prior to the beginning of that day’s class.



  1. No out of class make-up work can be done to replace a class. Attendance and re-instruction is required.



  1. School grades and satisfactory progress are determined by presence in the classroom. Credit is only given for presence in the classroom. Make-up work must be arranged immediately and is only allowed for the 60 hour Basic Principles of Real Estate Course. This must be made up in the classroom with the instructor.

  2. Pre-License: It is expected all students will complete their initial course within 6 months of their first class attendance date. Inability to complete the course in this timeframe will result in failure to obtain the Certificate of Completion.

  3. All classes in the Pre-License course consist of reading assignments, classroom lecture, and interactive exercises to prepare the student for the State Exam.

  4. There is no credit available for previous education, training, and/or work experience.



  1. Students must turn off all cell phones. Outside reading materials, laptops, or anything other than course materials, will not be allowed in any real estate class.

  2. The classroom is a non-smoking environment. ALL tobacco products are prohibited in classroom.



  1. All students must fill-out and submit a registration form prior to class.  All classes must be paid online prior to class start date.  Exceptions to payment policy will be addressed on a case by case basis.

  2. Only classes cancelled 48 hours in advance will be subject to being refunded.  Student may also choose to take a different class date in lieu of receiving a refund.  Students not providing 48 hour notice of non-attendance, will only be able to re-schedule, as a refund will not be available.

  3. If you start a class and drop-out for any reason, you will be forfeiting the time and money you have spent on the class. There will be no pro-rations for time/money spent.

  4. Refunds, when applicable, will be issued within 14 business days of cancellation.




Student’s who wish to communicate any grievance related to the instructor, the course, or course materials, should first discuss the issue(s) with the instructor. Any student may also submit, in writing, any school related grievance directly to the Arkansas Real Estate Commission, 612 S. Summit St., Little Rock, AR 72201.

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